Nokia backs 3D printing for mobile phone cases


Nokia-LogoNokia is releasing design files letting cell phone owners use 3D printers to make their own cases for Nokia phones.  Anyone can download the specs for a Nokia phone and customize a case.    Nokia is the first major manufacturer we know of to release its product specs for the purpose of letting people 3D print parts.

In the future, 3D printing is likely to bring about phones that are “wildly more modular and customizable” says John Kneeland, manager at Nokia. Nokia might just end up selling a phone template, he said, allowing entrepreneurs to use that to produce handsets that satisfy the particular needs of their locale.

Nokia says on it web site “while the outside of the phone case can take almost any shape, limited only by your imagination, the inside is a bit trickier. You have to make sure there’s room for the battery, antennae, and other protuberances, as well as openings for buttons, speaker, microphone, etc.  Not fun to figure out on your own, so we’ve taken the guesswork out of the equation for you.”

Nokia’s phone specification page, lists all the info you need, including suggestions, hints, tricks and even links to other companies to assist.
